Employees in agencies across USDA were fired Thursday and Friday as the Trump administration made a move to slash 200,000 or so workers who were in probationary periods for their jobs. For most employees, that meant they were new hires who had been on the job less than two years.
Farmers enter this season without a post-emergence, over-the-top dicamba product registered for weed control in soybeans and cotton. What does it mean for the controversial chemistry? Here are some do's and don'ts.
Texas native Brooke Rollins was confirmed as the 33rd Agriculture secretary and the second woman to hold the post following Ann Veneman in the early 2000s. Senators voted 72-28 to confirm her Thursday.
Employees in agencies across USDA were fired Thursday and Friday as the
Trump administration made a move to slash 200,000 or so workers who were in
probationary periods for their jobs. For most employees, that meant they were
new hires who had been on the job less than two years.
BThousands of USDA Workers Fired
Farmers enter this season without a post-emergence, over-the-top dicamba
product registered for weed control in soybeans and cotton. What does it mean
for the controversial chemistry? Here are some do's and don'ts.
=^Production Blog
Wet-season showers remained intact this week across central Brazil, but
there's a pattern change coming next week.
7^South America Calling
Rural communities in Alberta, Manitoba and Saskatchewan, as well as Idaho,
Minnesota, Montana, Nebraska, North Dakota and South Dakota, are invited to
submit a photo or video that depicts rural life for a chance to win $5,000 to
support a community initiative through Lallemand's Hometown Roots Photo Contest.
:^Photo Contest Supports Rural Life
Deeper soil freeze levels and some dieback of overwintering pests are
possible with this recent cold wave.
FAg Weather Forum